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20 DE MAYO 2034

Santos, J.A., Giovannetti, F., Smulski, M.C., Hermida, M.J., Petetta, D.R., Segretin, M.S., & Lipina, S. (2024). A systematic review of the concept of self-regulation in infants between 0 and 36 months in Latin America. Infant Behavior and Development, 18; 75:101954

Abstract: This article aims to identify how the processes of cognitive and emotional self-regulation (SR) are defined in babies from 0 to 36 months in the Latin American academic context. A systematic review based on the PRISMA methodology was implemented to review the conceptual and operational definition of SR, the type of study, the country of origin of the authors, and the reference to the adequacy of the research to the specific cultural context of Latin America.
Twenty-two articles that met the selection criteria were selected.  The study identified four types of conceptual definitions of SR, each associated with different constructs or set of constructs: executive functions, temperament, integration of executive functions and temperament, and physiological homeostasis. THese definitions were based on dominant approaches to SR rather than being specific to the Latin America region. The study also found compatibility between the sample and some  observed trends. On the one hand, there was an underrepresentation of the Latin American population in high-impact publications on the topic. However, from 2010 to the present, there is evidence of growth in publications on SR in the analyzed sample. On the other hand, the sample also indicates a disparate representation of Latin American and the Caribbean countries in existing publications. Finally, regarding adaptation to the cultural context of the research, a small number of studies addressed this variable specifically and significantly. However, even in these cases, the approach is based on models and hypotheses that are limited to understanding the cultural, socioeconomic, and demographic diversity of the Latin American region.

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